Available for your parish: The Baptism Connection.
The parish wants to stay connected to those who come for Baptism. Now it's even easier! Visit the Pfaum Publishing Group website.
Hearing the Voice of God Fr. Joe Kempf has created reflections geared for adults at any age or stage of life. This This CD is an excellent tool for individuals or adult study groups. Each of the reflections includes an invitation to pause and respond to two questions in the beautiful companion book. You can come back to each prayer again and again, to open your awareness of God's voice, and experience His peace long after the reflection is over.
More products are available from publishers and from Amazon. Check out the active links at the bottom of this page to search for the titles you want to see.
NO ONE CRIES THE WRONG WAY is a classic! Have you ever found yourself tongue-tied when encountering someone suffering, dying, or having just lost someone close? As people of faith, we are invited to trust in the wonderful goodness of God. Then how are we to understand the sufferings of so many of God's people? Where is God to be found in the midst of a world filled with so much pain and loss? What difference does it make to pray? No One Cries the Wrong Way offers some glimpses into these great questions. Certainly, there are no easy answers. Any words about God will fall far short of the truth of who God is. Indeed, we stand here before the great mystery. But we do not stand along; without hope; or without something to offer. Consoling in a way that is both simple and profound, Fr. Kempf helps us trust the Love in the midst of the pain.
Available for purchase from Our Sunday Visitor, click here
Also available as an audio book, click here
Sometimes Life is Just Not Fair When the heartaches come, these reflections, prayers, and activities will help every child find their way forward with God.
In the back of the book, parents, grandparents, and teachers will find the coaching they need to love their children through the difficult times.
CD included in every book, 18 minutes.Available from Gospel Values, as an eBook, click here
In this deeply personal and encouraging book, best-selling author and beloved pastor Fr. Joe Kempf takes an honest look at the complexities of forgiveness. With Fr. Joe’s signature heart and humor, he gently reminds us that “Forgiveness is not optional for those who want a joy-filled, meaningful life. It is essential to our souls; it is the heart of truly holy and happy living.” Filled with stories of real-life situations of hurt and betrayal, Fr. Joe asks the difficult questions about what it takes to truly forgive someone, and when and how to give ourselves the space to heal in the arms of our loving God. When the heartaches come, these reflections, prayers, and stories will help guide us toward the life-changing power of following Jesus beyond the cross to forgiveness and new life.Type your paragraph here.Type your paragraph here.Audio book available on Amazon Audible
Available for purchase from Twenty Third Publications: click here
You Want Me to Be Good All Day? This follow-up to the best-selling My Sister is Annoying, addresses some of the challenges of growing up. In a delightful combination of events that impact children's lives, Big Al learns lessons including compassion, responsibility, and individuality through prayer.
Wouldn’t it be great to live without that anxious pit in our stomachs; to have a sense of peace and safety instead of feeling like there is always more we must do, more people to please, more arenas where we must prove ourselves? The good news is that even now we can come to a place of deeper peace and greater freedom. In this much-needed book, beloved pastor and author Father Joe Kempf assures us that we are worthy of that peace and that we are indeed good enough just as we are. Available from Twenty-third Publications: click here
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Don't Drink the Holy Water Young children can be both mystified and confused by what they witness while attending Mass with their families―even when they can see over the adults sitting in front of them! Don’t Drink the Holy Water! explains the Mass with creative, full-color illustrations and simple descriptions that resonate with kids. A special section at the back of the book helps adults answer kids’ questions about the Mass. Featuring a 50-minute DVD purchase: here
My Sister is Annoyingis a beautifully illustrated book offering a fun way for children to talk to God about things that are important to them, such as the joy of playing outside, celebrating a birthday, and trying to figure out the right thing to do. Read the prayers and listen to the CD with a child you love.
Family: God is in the mix of it all (Mini Retreats for Meaningful Living) Imagine being able to invite Fr. Joe Kempf to lead a dynamic retreat in your parish. Or, imagine him coming visiting each parish family in their home and leading a personal retreat? Now both are possible with this new, breakthrough DVD series created just for Catholic parishes and families. The series is flexible. The three talks and one guided meditation can be shown in large-group settings such as adult education classes, Sacramental Preparation sessions or loaned out to families to view at home. Available for purchase from Our Sunday Visitor, click here
Faith-Filled Lullabies Fr. Joe and his helpers Big Al and Annie, with musician and songwriter Cathy Pescarino and her friends, present their special collection of music based on:
Sacred folk songs; Comforting Scriptures; Traditional favorites; Plus all-new, original songs
You'll be delighted by the companion book of lyrics, along with beautiful illustrations, scripture passages, and special prayers just for parents.purchase: here
Welcoming God's Children. Share this DVD, featuring Father Joe Kempf, at the Baptism preparation class in addition to the more formal instruction that parents receive. Included in this 2-disc set is a CD-ROM with a “How-to-Use” Leader’s Guide, nursery roll spread sheet and reproducible Parish Connections Newsletters, designed to be sent to families throughout the first six years of the baptized child’s life. Available from Bayard-Creative Communications, click here
Gospel Values books are for children aged 2-102
Hope in the tough times
Meaning in everyday living.