In his own insightful and compassionate way, Fr. Joe and his helpers Big Al and Annie offer us wisdom and comfort for the painful times in our lives. The prayers, reflections, and activities in this book look especially at the grief that comes from death and at the questions that surround it.
You know them. Questions such as: What is our hope when facing the death of a loved one? What difference does it make to pray? What can we expect of ourselves - or others - when we are grieving? Not only is this book for children, but the concrete and practical thoughts in the back of the book offer invaluable coaching for parents, teachers, grandparents, and all who love children.
Within the book, there are ten prayers. Below, you can find those prayers along with the audio version of those prayers. Additionally below you will find the audio of the song, "Beyond What You Can See". We hope you enjoy. Should you like to purchase the paperback version the book, please click HERE. Thank you!